Short Bio

Erkin Yılmaz, a devoted watercolor artist, spins narratives of beauty inspired by the celestial sky, tranquil sea, and graceful sailboats, within the dance of light, shadow, and meticulous realistic details!


Hello, I'm Erkin Yılmaz, a dedicated watercolor artist with a profound passion for capturing the beauty of humanity, animals, and the natural world. From my early years, I've cultivated a deep reverence for these elements, and this sentiment forms the foundation of my artistic creations.My artistic journey revolves around the vast expanse of the sky, the tranquil embrace of the sea, and the graceful presence of sailboats. These elements inspire me deeply, evoking feelings of peace and serenity that find voice in my watercolor artworks. The enchanting mystique of watercolor captivates my heart, and I find solace in the mysterious interplay between pigments and gravity as brushstrokes caress the paper.Fascinated by the interplay of light, shade, and intricate details found in nature, I bring forth my vision through a blend of realism and impressionism. Each piece is a careful orchestration of pigments and emotions, depicting subjects with a meticulous eye.My works, often rendered in small to medium sizes, bear testament to my emerging status as an artist. I actively participate in exhibitions and workshops, sharing my unique artistic language with a diverse audience. Having been displayed in galleries across Turkey and abroad, my artworks have gained recognition on international online platforms.Driven by unwavering enthusiasm, I seek to touch the hearts of art enthusiasts worldwide. My creative journey unfolds within the intimate confines of my personal workshop, where I continue to nurture my craft and inspire others.Whether you're an art enthusiast, a fellow artist, or someone curious about the world of watercolor, I invite you to connect with me. Let's share our love for art, creativity, and the wonders of the natural world.Thank you for joining me on this artistic journey.


Erkin Yılmaz, a dedicated watercolor artist, finds solace and inspiration in the beauty of nature. Hailing from Ankara, Turkey, Erkin embarked on his artistic path after dedicating 26 years of his life to the Turkish Defence Ministry. His innate love for people, animals, and the natural world is vividly expressed through his art, where he channels his passion onto the canvas using watercolor and oil paint.Captivated by the vastness of the sky, the tranquility of the sea, and the elegance of sailboats, Erkin's works breathe life into these elements, capturing the peace and serenity he finds within them. His artistic style, best described as realistic impressionism, meticulously portrays objects in their natural form, paying great attention to detail. Whether working with the graceful flow of watercolor or the rich textures of oil paint, Erkin embraces the mystery and unpredictability inherent in the artistic process. The interplay between pigments and gravity, as observed when brushstrokes meet paper, never fails to captivate him.Erkin actively participates in exhibitions and workshops throughout Turkey, proudly showcasing his creations alongside fellow artists. His artworks, often of small to medium size, have garnered recognition and can be found in art galleries both within Turkey and on international platforms. Erkin's creative journey continues to flourish in his personal workshop, where he diligently works on bringing his unique painting style to art enthusiasts around the world.Erkin exemplifies the spirit of a rising artist, fueled by enthusiasm and an unwavering dedication to his craft. Through his art, he invites viewers to experience the wonder and beauty of the natural world, serving as a reminder of the profound connection between humanity and the environment we inhabit.

Resume / CV

Erkin Yılmaz - Watercolor Artist

Artistic Focus

Artistic Mediums:Watercolor, Oil Paint

Artistic Style: Realistic Impressionism

Inspirations: Vast expanse of the sky. Tranquil embrace of the sea. Graceful presence of sailboats. Beauty of humanity, animals, and the natural world.

Techniques and Vision

Style and Technique: Blend of realism and impressionism. Focus on light, shade, and intricate details. Careful orchestration of pigments and emotions. Captures peace and serenity through meticulous details.

Artistic Process: Embraces mystery and unpredictability. Finds solace in the interplay between pigments and gravity. Creates a unique artistic language through brushstrokes.

Exhibitions and Workshops

Exhibition Participation: Active participant in exhibitions across Turkey and abroad. Showcases artworks alongside fellow artists. Artworks featured in small to medium sizes.

Workshops: Conducts and participates in workshops. Shares artistic techniques and insights with a diverse audience.


Gallery Displays: Artworks displayed in galleries across Turkey. International recognition on online platforms.

Artistic Journey

Creative Environment: Works within a personal workshop. Continues to develop and nurture unique painting style. Driven by unwavering enthusiasm for art.

Connection with Audience: Aims to touch the hearts of art enthusiasts worldwide. Invites viewers to experience the wonder and beauty of the natural world. Contact and Collaboration

Connect with Erkin: Welcomes connections from art enthusiasts, fellow artists, and those curious about watercolor art. Open to sharing love for art, creativity, and the wonders of natureThank you for joining me on this artistic journey.